1. BOT CREATOR - This feature will allow you to create your own bot, by using all available parameters like result, current event status, price, market type, event type, market start time, last traded price, etc., and bot actions like place the bet, update the bet, cancel it, remember the market parameters, etc.
2. User manual – Updated user manual(1st update in English, 2nd update in Portuguese), from registering and logging to trading and tools
3. KingTrader videos – Video tutorials for KingTrader: Getting started, Overview, Setting up KingTrader,Practice Mode, Interfaces, Trading, Features, etc. (in English, Portuguese in the next update)
4. Multilanguage - Software, website, user manual and videos will be translated to many languages(first update in Portuguese)
5. Software adjusting – KingTrader will add more resolution options to adjust every tab, price cells, letters font, buttons, etc. to your monitor dimensions and screen resolution
6. Left tabs – The software will remember which left tab is active for each market tab
7. New Grid interface - New interface will allow you to choose how many prices you want to see, one click betting, new place bet window, etc.
8. Left tabs - It will be possible to hide left menu to expand the number of ladder selections or visible grid prices.
9. Alert sounds - Edit all alert sounds by adding your own sounds
10. Charts - We will add many new charts for analyzing price, money and matching bets movements
11. Grid selections - Choose which selection you want to monitor in Grid interface(this feature is good if you want to monitor only one or two horses or current correct score selection in a football match)
12. Horse racing interface - Interface that will visualize horse race and allow you to place one click bets
13. Grid Hedging options - This feature will allow you to choose Hedge not only at best available price, but to choose your Hedging method like last traded price, best available price, 2nd best available, etc.
14. Practice mode - Many new improvements in Practice mode with all features available to use and more realistic bet matching
15. Link bets - Link and place two or more bets from different markets in single click
16. Staring price - Place a bet at Betfair starting price
17. Event menu - Rearranging events and market menu, displaying your favourite markets and events on the top
18. Keyboard shortcuts - Set your shortcuts for event/market search, bet placement, bet cancellation,etc.
19. Back/Lay weight percentage proportion - Choosing how many back and lay prices to count for money weight on both sides(back and lay)
20. KingTrader colours - Colour editing(clock, back/lay,price,money, etc.)
21. Sport interface - Interface like at sportbook's websites that allows you to see all markets at once with best back and lay price
22. Markets with special calculations - Profit/loss and what if calculation for special markets like Asian handicap
23. Market summary - This will show your winnings on a market after market closure, with Betfair charges included(optional)
24. XML files - Monitor Betfair prices, set your triggers and bet from XML
25. Non-runners - Exclude runners that do not participate in event
26. New Favourite tab - This feature will allow you to choose markets that you may use for a particular event
27. Sports results - A list of all today's sports results for all sports
28. Tipster - Predict event or market outcome and share with others
29. SMS service - Service that will allow you to send an SMS to yourself if something important to you happens on event
30. Market information and rules - All Betfair rules and information and related to currently monitored market
31. Refresh menu - Set the period to refresh a Betfair events/markets menu
It will be beneficial for all! Keep up the good work.